torsdag 26 juli 2012

Software "update" ?

What is it with Apple these days?

They release a new version of OS X and all of us in the office who had been required to update to Lion thought - "It can't be any worse can it?".

Here are the good news:

* It isn't any worse than Lion...

The bad news is however:

* It's not really any better than Lion either.
* The features which was highlighted and we thought would be nice to get either didn't work as we hoped or required a brand new Mac to work, we are currently having 1-2 year old MacBooks in the office which I would call far from obsolete.
* It cost all of us big parts of a day to update the computer and ensure that all the applications would still run after the update.

Feature updates which wasn't much of an update in the end...


Required a brand new MacBook to work, we could however use it to stream music from any app but for the video to work Apple requires the latest generation of MacBooks.

Full screen mode

In Lion one big draw back was that the full screen mode wasn't of much use when you use multiple screens, in Snow Lion they had enabled the full screen application to be on any screen - Great we thought we can use that feature on one of the screen while maintaining a work bench on the other - Nope, full screen applications are full desktop screens and fill all screens, however the screens which a the active one are just displaying a desktop background. Great feature right....


I been running VMware fusion for some time to run Linux and occasional Windows application, after the update it wouldn't start and VMware have the currency to now inform their customers that version 3  (version 4 is their latest version) will not be made to support Snow Lion.

So what has this update given us so far?

* The understanding that Apple isn't trying to maximize the user experience for their customers but rather forcing them into buying newer product at an ever higher rate (did I mention the iOS updates which does even less if you don't have the last generation device).

* One day of taking care of paper work and other tasks while waiting for all required software on our computers to start working as expected again.

Thanks for the cold software, and thanks for not making it worse than Lion.

torsdag 5 juli 2012

Madonna MDNA Tour in Gothenburg

  • Opening act 1/10 - Started over an hour late and after the show it was more than another hour before the actual show started
  • Visual Effects 10/10 - Can't think of anything that could have done it better...
  • Dancing 8/10 - It's Madonna after all, can't be anything but great.
  • Sound 3/10 - Important to not misstake this for the music, the music was fine but the sound technician was doing a lousy job with the discant  breaking through repeatly making it almost unbearably to listen to at times.
  • Show 8/10 - Got pace any no breaks from start to finished with a feeling of a red thread going through the whole performance

Total points

  • As a show 7/10, the opening act and the sound takes down the points from a solid nine.
  • As a concert 4/10, good music but to many remixes and the failing sound leaves the audience untouched until "Like a prayer" concludes the performance.

lördag 24 mars 2012

Put a move on it...

Just saw this really cool product at Kickstarter and just had to support it.

Have a look below and take the opportunity to also support Motrr and thier Galileo, probably one of the best accessory for your iOS device so far.

fredag 16 mars 2012


After month of staying away from Lion Apple finally found a way to force all of us to update to this shit!

If it wouldn't been for X-code and the new iOS release I wouldn't have had to do this update and could happily been waiting for the next version.

Lion is iOS for Mac and here are just two example why this was a bad idea!

1 - Scroll view in the wrong direction by default (easy to change but still idiotic!)
A desktop is not a touchscreen, so the scroll shouldn't be the same way!

2 - Full screen mode which leaves my second screen unusable! I can't even leave a document open on that screen.

Now I just hope that Mountain Lion or whatever the next version will be won't be such a huge let down.

Apple if you are reading this:

Please don't force your developers to upgrade when you know the newest version isn't an improvement over the last one!