fredag 2 oktober 2009

Canon 7D is alive

Got my Canon 7D today. See it coming alive below.

My first impressions are very positive, the camera feels solid and the controls are well layed out. That you can customize most functions to some degree is a big plus aswell. I'm looking forward to push the video posibilities with this one, but the most noticeble from a photographing point of view is the view finder, reminds me of when I first holded a 5D and realized that you actually could see details in the view finder.

The only disappointment so far doesn't have to do with the camera but with Canons "wireless" flash system. I didn't realize that it used light pulses for the communication which feels outdated. If I like to use light I should be able to use any primary flash, idiotic. The function seems to work but I was expecting something similar to the pocket wizards so got a bit disappointed on their technology.

1 kommentar:

Linda Calissendorff sa...

Jisses Erik de ska då vara d för att filma att du ska ta upp en ny kamera *ler* Kram på dig!